Meyer Minute for March 11

Late Saturday afternoon, still in Ethiopia, specifically in Bishtofu, Pastor Jira took us to the congregation he planted. Today it’s a large congregation, with a day school and a busy office of Compassion International. The congregation has begun work on a new sanctuary, which promises to be wonderful. That leads to my first point today: This congregation has planted 70 other congregations. 70! How many congregations has your congregation or mine begun? (Direction: Allow time for reflection).

Three of us, Pastor Jeff Skopak of Jacksonville, Florida, President Larry Rast of Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, and I had spent the day presenting to 70 Lutheran pastors of the Bishtofu area. One theme through the day was that their church, the Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Mekane Yesus, is a growing church. It will soon have 10 million members! In contrast, our denomination, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, has been in slow but steady decline since 1970. It had grown steadily from its beginning in 1847 but has gone from almost 3 million members in 1970 to 1.9 million today. We were invited because our two seminaries are recognized for profound theological knowledge, while Mekane Yesus has something to teach us American Lutherans about growing. The lessons both ways are many, and I don’t have space here to get into them. Keep reading, and also know that students from both our seminaries are learning the lessons.

When the day of presentations were over, Pastor Jira invited one of the pastors to give a closing devotion and blessing. He did, in Amharic, one of the two native languages of Ethiopia. While our heads were bowed, we could not understand the words but we did hear music outside. The local mosque was broadcasting its call to prayer. Muslims are about a third of Ethiopia and are increasingly aggressive in their outreach. What a profound moment for me, head bowed to our Lord and Savior but with minaret music calling Muslims to prayer.

(Direction: Put yourself in the moment).
I’ve had a most blessed life, but I’m weary of hearing reasons why we can’t get out into our communities to make friends and share Jesus. That one congregation started 70 congregations, even while minarets were blaring. Do you think the Lord Jesus accepts our excuses?