Adult Ministry

Whether you're new here or have been at Trinity for a long time, each of us is on a spiritual journey. What we share in common is the need to keep taking intentional steps of faith.  We want everyone to be actively engaged within our community TOGETHER.

Everyone’s journey will look different. Our goal is to encourage and equip you to take your next step as TOGETHER we bring Jesus to a broken world.

Adult Bible Study

Time: 8:45 am

Dates: Every Sunday morning during the school year                                       

Location: Fellowship Hall on 1st floor

Topic: The Great Escape - The Exodus of Israel from Egypt and how it parallels to the saving work of Jesus.

Adult Bible Class is studying the book of Exodus. We are reading through the Old Testament book of Exodus and exploring how the Israelite's escape from Egypt is a foreshadowing of our escape from sin and death through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.



Women's Bible Study

Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Dates: Monday evenings each Spring and Fall. This Fall we will begin Monday, September 9th.

Location: Fellowship Hall on 1st floor

Everyone in the Carver community is welcome to join us 




Other Ministry, Community, and Service Opportunities

Throughout each year we love to participate in a variety of inter-generational ministry activities such as participating in pot-luck meals, decorating the sanctuary for the holiday seasons, supporting our children and youth in their faith journey, pouring into our Carver community by hosting sledding parties and participating in events such as Steamboat Days, serving on the leadership team, and so much more. There are many ways you can plug in and use the skills, gifts, and interests you have to bless God's kingdom in this place.



2021 "Over 80 Recognition" - Every year we love to celebrate all those that have reached the blessed age of 80 and over 80!




2022 "Crazy Dinner" - Young adults and students enjoyed ordering off a menu written in code and were later surprised by what they received. Parents had a blast serving them and it was a wonderful way to wrap up our Sunday School Bible unit on the topic of Divine Humor.