
Monthly Newletter

Easter Flowers


Remember loved ones through Easter flowers that announce, "Christ is Risen!" Options and prices are listed on the sign-up sheet. Orders are due by March 31. You will be able to take your flowers home after the Easter service.


Lenten Lies is the theme for our 2025 Wednesday evening Lent services. During Lent, we remember that Jesus came to die to save us from our sins and gain everlasting life for us in heaven. But do we ever remember where our sin comes from? Sin happens because the devil fools us. We sin because the devil gets us to believe a lie. During our observation of Lent this year, we will consider some of those lies as we also seek the answers of Jesus who is ―the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 

Join us for these special services on Wednesdays during Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5. 

All Wednesday night services begin at 7:00 PM.


Holy Week


Easter Worship Service


Join us at 7:45 AM in the church basement for coffee, juice and pastries.

Women's Bible Study


Our Women's Bible Study group will begin a study based on the book, Discerning the Voice of God, on Monday, April 7th.

The first meeting will be an introduction to the study and a time to connect. 

Please register by contacting Julia Montgomery. 

( or 510-468-1156)

Please register by March 28th, if possible.


About the Study:

This study by Priscilla Shirer explores "a more intimate relationship with Him, one that can make hearing Him--His will, His heart, and His voice--your ongoing experience. Discover how you can listen with greater confidence, clarity, and discernment."

Date: Mondays, April 7-June 2 (we will not meet on 5/26)

Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Location: Trinity, Fellowship Hall,1st floor

Who: All women in the Carver community

Suday School & Adult Bible Class

Sunday School and Adult Bible Class will begin on Sunday, Sept. 15 at 8:45  AM.

Heritage Preservation Award


Trinity Lutheran Church was recently presented this award by the the Heritage Preservation Commission and Mayor Courtney Johnson for being a significant part of Carver's history for over 100 years. A heartfelt gratitude goes out to all the people in our church and community who work heartily for the Lord to preserve this church building and this church as the body of Christ.

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."  Colossians 3:23-24

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