Meyer Minute for February 7

Are you following Jesus…or trying to lead Him where you want to go?

Dr. James Tino explains it this way: “Part of our human condition is that we crave security, because security gives us the illusion of control. When we feel secure, then we are confident in our ability to ‘handle things,’ whatever that might mean. Predictability gives us a sense of security. Money often gives a sense of security. Routine gives us a sense of security…” (“Meeting Ananias,” Tri-Pillar, 50).

A rich man asked, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus said, “Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and come, follow me.” “When he heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely rich” (Luke 18:18, 22). He should give up what he thought made him secure?

Stop. Look around. See the people and things that make you feel secure. They’re gifts of God, just like the wealth of the young man, but Jesus won’t leave you comfortable in your earthly securities. These props will pass. Ouch! “He is going before you” and you’re called to focus on Him as He leads you wherever (Matthew 28:7). This is the adventurous aspect of following Jesus: He doesn’t give details about what’s ahead. Abraham “went out, not knowing where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8). Is something going on in your life that threatens your sense of security? Whatever it is, think of it as a gift. Lord, I don’t know what the future holds, but I know that You hold the future. “When ev’ry earthly prop gives way, He then is all my hope and stay” (Lutheran Service Book, 576, 3)

“A life of faith…feels insecure. It begins with an openness to the Lord’s leading in your life, whenever and however that may come, and it ends in places that we would never expect” (James Tino, 50).

“I leave all things to God’s direction; / He loves me both in joy and woe.
His will is good, sure His affection; / His tender love is true, I know.
My fortress and my rock is He: / What pleases God, that pleases me.
(Lutheran Service Book, 719, 1)